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how to write an autobiography

An autobiography should include all the most important details of your life story. This does not mean it should contain every tiny sliver of minutiae.


Paragraph #1:

The first thing you do when writing an autobiography is start off with a lot of facts about your life. For example, when and where you were born, where you live (city and state), where you go to school and who you live with. You have to give a lot of information so your reader can clearly understand what is going on in your life.

Paragraph #2:

Describe your life growing up. How did your parents or someone in your family influence you throughout your childhood?  How did your childhood same who you have become as a young adult?  What life lessons will you carry with you?

Paragraph #3:

Describe your high school experience.  What went well? Classes you enjoyed? Who are teachers or other staff members that helped you along the way to graduate? A special event that happened in high school (i.e. the college trip, homecoming game, etc)?

Paragraph #4:

Describe your future goals/plans.  What will you do after high school? Is college in your future? Trade school? Work field? Working for a family business? Travel?

Paragraph #5:

End you paragraph with any last thoughts or advice you will like to give.  This is your last paragraph for your senior portfolio.  End it with a clincher.

If you are student of the 2B in higher technician, environmental área, please add the link in the comments.





    Xiomara Torres Asencio


    1. Hello, Today I Will speak about of me, the most important experiences in my life. Well, mi name is Xiomara, it means “The most beautiful start in the univerce”; mom chose it for me. So, my full name is Xiomara Torres Asencio. I’m 19 years old. 2.- I was born on 21th of March in 2001 in Villahermosa, Tabasco. But mi mom is from Tacotalpa and my da3d is from Teapa.
      3.- When I was a child, 4.-my role models were my parents. 5.- My mom educated me at home. My first memory is when 6.-my mom sat me in a chair to study. 7.-She taught me how to write, read, and more. One phrase that I will never forget is “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the word” by Nelson Mandela. 8.-My dad used it a lot.
      9.-When I was a 10 years old, 10.-I did my first drawing and 11.-I found my talent. 12.- I drew cartoons, flowers and more and after 13.-I drew the persons. 14.- But my parents didn't support me a lot. So, 15.- I decided to play sport. At times I wonder: 16.-why didn't I train for gymnast? But in this moment, 17.-I decided to train volleyball. 18.- And I didn’t like it. But, After 19.- I trained basquetball and in this moment in my life 20.-I lost body mass, because 21.- I weighed 65 kilos with only 12 years old. 22.- I lost 10 kilos, 23.-and I started a healthy life.
      24.- When I was 15 years old, 25.- I met a teacher who asked me: 26.- would did you dance? And 27.- I decided to learn to dance. 28.- I danced latin music: Bachata, salsa, merengue and 29.- I loved to dance. 30.- Today I remember the phrase that motivated me:
      “The art means knowing how to live with pain under your fingernails and happiness at your fingertips.”
      In espanish:
      “El arte significa saber vivir con el dolor bajo las uñas y la felicidad en las yemas de los dedos.”

  4. Respuestas
      Hello Good morning.
      My name is Brenda Paola García Hernández, I am 18 years old and I live in Villahermosa Tabasco. I am currently studying at university I am second quarter I am studying TSU in environmental technology. I was born on November 17, 2001, currently I live with my parents, I have two older brothers, My mother is called Estela Hernández and my father is called Antonio Altunar, my sister is called Alis Mercedes and my brother Isai.

      I entered kindergarten I lived many things for example that due to my birthday they did not want to accept me because I was not old enough to enter, which caused me to enter kindergarten for only one year and it was a lot of fun since I was dancing.

      When I entered elementary school it was a different experience, at this stage I underwent a spontaneous change since I had to change my house to an unknown place.
      When I entered high school I was excited, even though I was the smallest in the classroom, it was a lot of fun since I learned to travel alone on transportation.
      In high school I learned many things, I studied technical in water resources, which was a lot of fun because the knowledge acquired in the subject is helping me.

      And what plans do I have for the future? Well, he considered that looking for a job where I can carry out all the knowledge acquired in high school and college, try harder to pass my subjects and get ahead.

    Ana Cecilia Alvarado Hernández

    1. Hello, my name is Ana Cecilia Alvarado Hernandez, my parents are Hipolito Alvarado Perez and Amalia Hernandez Sanchez, I have 2 sisters, one is Maria Miroslava Bastar Hernandez and Claudia Isabella Alvarado Hernandez, I was born in Villahermosa Tabasco on August 19, 2000. Do you remember? of an event that year? When I was 3 years old I entered preschool I remember that I was very afraid to go, when I reached the age of 6 I entered elementary school and in the first year I went out at a Christmas dance, when I passed to second grade I had A very bad teacher that year was very hard for me, since she scolded me for not knowing how to read, I passed to the third year and that year was the one that had a great change since my mother told me that she was going to have a little sister, At first I was sad but when my little sister was born I was happy, when I passed to the fourth grade of primary they started bullying me and I felt very bad when they did, that lasted all the rest of the primary. When I entered fifth grade it was very different from how I imagined it since bullying continued just like in sixth grade
       When I entered high school I was afraid since it was a new stage for me and I thought it would be different but unfortunately the boy who bullied me in elementary school touched me in my classroom. And I thought I would stop bullying but the She continued doing it to the point of putting gum in her hair, at the age of fifteen I entered high school, at Cecyte 19 it was the best stage in my life because in the third semester I met my best friend named Zury and in fifth semester I met my current boyfriend, of course he didn't go to my school. I already knew him from primary school on cell phones and we liked each other. when and like in the fifth semester my best friend changed schools and it was very hard for me
      But we did not stop talking, when the sixth semester came, everyone in my classroom was afraid as we were going to enter the university, I had already thought about what career to choose and then I enrolled in the technological university of Tabasco in the career of environmental engineering And on July 6 I went to take the entrance exam and passed the exam, when it was my first day of school I had many nerves but for my good luck I played in the same room as my high school classmate she is called Brenda, I liked a lot how the teachers treated you and then we did a quarterly project and spent 10 projects on it, in this term I made many friends, currently I am studying the second term

    “Meeting Lucero”

    My name is Lucero Leilany Hernández Pérez, I am 18 years old and I am a student at the Tabasco Technological University in the career of environmental technology. I want to talk a little about myself so that you know me. I was born on July 26, 2001 in Villahermosa Tabasco, I live in the "Cedro" Nacajuca. I am the daughter of Heidy and Arturo and I am the older sister of two daughters.
    I don´t remember much about my time in primary, I was a calm and shy girl, I didn´t have many friends and I was doing well, at that time my parents had divorced and I was 8 years old, it was a difficult time for me, but I managed to get ahead. Years passed and I entered the POMOCA neighborhood high school because I moved there, I remember my first day I was nervous because I wanted to make friends and enjoy my classes, the high school stage was very fun, I drew in my timefree and played soccer in physical education.
    I studied high school at IDIFTEC number 1, I didn't study what I wanted because I didn't pass the exam where I wanted to and IDIFTEC was my second choice, I took administration but I preferred to study clinical laboratory, I didn´t like shorthand stuff because I made symbols that I didn´t understand and always went to eat with my fiends on Fridays. My mom helped me wiht the books, she paid my tuition and my stay in high school was eaiser. I graduated in 2019 and it was best day.
    In 2019 I presented a university exam at the UJAT for a surgeon, I didn´t pass the exam and then I started studying at UT as my second option and because I like the career. My parents showed me to keep going despite everything. I didn´t make good decisions in life, but I learned from that and still give my best. I chose to continue to improve.

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

      "This is my life"

      My name is Febe Aurora Casanova Martínez,1. I was born on September 18, 2001, in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico; My parents are Julio Cesar Casanova González and Lucinda Martínez Jiménez. I'm the first of three daughters. My other sisters are minors, the youngest is called Claudia Vanesa and my other sister is called Fátima de Jesús.

      What does your name mean?
      My name has a little imagination, you know? "Phoebe" means "bright / shining" and 2.if we added Aurora Borealis, combining both names, we have "bright and shining Aurora". I'm sure you haven't heard that anywhere.

      What was your favorite stage?
      3.My favorite stage will always was kindergarten because 4.I had so many beautiful memories. 5.I remembered that my dad and 6.I played dominoes on weekends, 7. we put together puzzles,8. we played with modeling clay. 9.I started writing when I was 5 years old, as well as reading, and 10.I was also part of the kindergarten escort.

      What did you not like about elementary school?
      11.When I was 6 years old, I suffered a fall that 12.later turned into a fracture, right in my left arm (I write with that hand), which is why 13.I missed school for a month and saw myself at school. 14.So, was Phoebe ambidextrous? 15.Yes, Phoebe is ambidextrous. 16.It was the first and last time 17.I fought by greñas with a friend because 18.he was bullying a girl, 19. I didn't like how he treated her.

      How was your experience in high school?
      20.High school was a roller coaster for me, 21.the first two years weren't my best stage since 22.I was diagnosed with typhus in the blood, so if 23. I didn' t control it, I would soon develop Leukemia, during that time I lost weight until 24. I reached 20 kilos and I fell into a great sadness. Thank God, 25.I managed to recover and soon 26. I founded myself with the enthusiasm to make life more eager, so much so that 27. I returned to the escort, 28. had great friends and 29. was the best student of my generation with the best average, in my PHYSICAL- MATHEMATICAL series and in my TOURISM training.

      Who you are now?
      I feel very grateful since I am studying Engineering in Environmental Technology at the Universidad Tecnológica de Tabasco, leading a good average, studying a scholarship to go to France, full of life, 30. surrounded by people who she loves me very much, with a boyfriend who loves me, with two dogs named kiara and Lala and a duckling named Casco.

      I still want to study Aviator Pilot and belong to the Mexican Air Force, travel the world, support my family and fulfill myself as a person.I leave you this phrase: Although there is a last day for all things, everyone is their own stardust in the face of the history we forge.
      And, well, this is my life :)

  8. original pero con ruido copia sin ruido. (creo que suena mejor esta)

    Hi my name is Martin Castro, I’m 19 years old, I live with my dad in Villahermosa Tabasco. I am currently studying at uttab, the specialty of environmental engineer, and this is my story.
    I was born on January 29, 2001 in Villahermosa, Tabasco, I don't know much about my first months of life, but from what I can see from the photos I was very happy.
    My first birthday party was when I was one-year-old, that night I was wearing a black tuxedo that my grandfather gave me. I have many photos from that day. As I can remember, I was always a very happy child.
    I lived my first 10 years with my grandparents, they were the love of my life. miss them a lot. Well, I was an active kid, I liked to run, jump and sing. My childhood dream was to be a singer, well it's still my lost dream. but, it doesn't matter, let's talk about my life at school, my first memory is that I was never afraid of school, from the first day I remember that I was excited, I was always a good student, from kindergarten I made friends.
    In high school I got my best grades, I finished high school as the best student in my major. I was not a child with many friends, but the few I had were an important part of my life. I really don't know what I would do without them. my girls are the most important
    Currently I study at the university, I study environmental engineering, because since I was little I always related to the environment.
    The dream of my life is to live, healthy and strong for many years, I want to have 5 children and many grandchildren. I want to die in my bed, dreaming. It will be what God wants. I have many plans in mind, I have too many dreams, and many goals to follow. I don't know if I will fulfill my dreams, but if I fail, it doesn't matter, I try to be happy every day of my life, and that's why that's how I am. I love them.

  9. My name is Maribel santiz Gómez
    ° I was born on June 24, 2001

    * I lived in the ranchería Medellín and Pigua 3rd section, now I live in the bicentennial neighborhood

    1st year: I started walking at 1 year and three months, I did not want to walk

    2nd year: my dad baptized me and brought a stray cat and my mother let him stay

    3 years: I entered kindergarten. Did you seriously enter kindergarten?

    6 years: I could not enter primary school and at 6 months my mom was able to enroll me

    12 years old: I entered high school, I didn't have many friends and I met Mexico for the first time. Did you really know Mexico?

    15 years: my last year of high school and also last year we read the book called the world of Sofia with the students of 2 and I had no party of 15 years

    17 years old: I graduated from high school and ran to my family to hug them

    18 years old: entered the university for the first time I am about to turn 19 years old trying to place and effort to finish a career. I've been through a lot of things in my life that I still show here that if I can

  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


    Hello, my name is Ivanovic Ramirez Perez, and well, I will tell you my origin

    I was born on February 27, 2001 in Villahermosa, Tabasco.

    In my first 2 years of life, my parents, together with me, traveled to Reynosa, Tamaulipas where my younger sister was born, in addition to her, I have 2 older brothers from my father. (SEÑALA FOTO)

    At 6 years old, I entered primary school, where to enter I had to take an exam, who does that?
    I only studied the first year there, I returned to Tabasco during vacations in 2008.

    During primary I suffered bullying for being ... different
    When I entered high school, I met my current best friends, they (SEÑALA FOTO)
    At the age of 13 I witnessed how my parents separated, I isolated myself from many people,
    to face it I learned to draw as a distraction, with the passage of time I let the situation pass and
    I went ahead with my mother and sister.

    I kept drawing, what if I draw well?
    I don't know, I'm not a French artist but I do what I can

    Well, currently, I turned 19 last month, and I really feel curious to think that I can find myself on the road

  12. Hello, everyone who will see me lol
      My name is Gissel Guadalupe, I was born on April 15, 2000 in the state of Tabasco, municipality of Centro, to be more exact in the IMSS. I am currently studying the second semester at TSU in the area of ​​environmental technology. My parents are called José Correa and Claudia Osorio, I have a sister named Ximena Rashel (rare her name jiji). I started walking at 11 months, what father not?
      I entered kindergarten at 5 years old, since my mother said that nobody would take care of me like she did and I went out as a rabbit at an event (how cute). I studied elementary school near my house and my mom made me breakfast every day.
      At 9 years old I found out that I would have my sister Ximena, it was something that I did not expect and it was very difficult to accept her arrival hehe and I changed my house. It was difficult?
      When I entered high school at age 12 it was a change since I started to be selective with my friends and I hurt my hand playing with my uncle. I had my xv years party (my dress was blue with green) and I received many gifts. In high school it was not easy since for a semester I had no friends, it was very difficult to adapt to being alone, on my birthday my uncle gave me my pet who is a rabbit named Dylan. I came of age I had a surprise party with my family
      I graduated from high school and I was happy to achieve it, I studied at ujat and decided to change to ut, the change was not easy at all. Now I am happy to have changed and stressed because they leave a lot of homework.
      How I see myself in future? I see myself being a successful woman, giving my parents the best, helping my sister to finish her career and above all feeling proud of what I will be achieving.
    good night teacher, an apology for sending it right now, I know there is no justification but my internet is very slow😩😩

  13. Gissel Guadalupe Correa Osorio
    Hello, everyone who will see me lol
      My name is Gissel Guadalupe, I was born on April 15, 2000 in the state of Tabasco, municipality of Centro, to be more exact in the IMSS. I am currently studying the second semester at TSU in the area of ​​environmental technology. My parents are called José Correa and Claudia Osorio, I have a sister named Ximena Rashel (rare her name jiji). I started walking at 11 months, what father not?
      I entered kindergarten at 5 years old, since my mother said that nobody would take care of me like she did and I went out as a rabbit at an event (how cute). I studied elementary school near my house and my mom made me breakfast every day.
      At 9 years old I found out that I would have my sister Ximena, it was something that I did not expect and it was very difficult to accept her arrival hehe and I changed my house. It was difficult?
      When I entered high school at age 12 it was a change since I started to be selective with my friends and I hurt my hand playing with my uncle. I had my xv years party (my dress was blue with green) and I received many gifts. In high school it was not easy since for a semester I had no friends, it was very difficult to adapt to being alone, on my birthday my uncle gave me my pet who is a rabbit named Dylan. I came of age I had a surprise party with my family
      I graduated from high school and I was happy to achieve it, I studied at ujat and decided to change to ut, the change was not easy at all. Now I am happy to have changed and stressed because they leave a lot of homework.
      How I see myself in future? I see myself being a successful woman, giving my parents the best, helping my sister to finish her career and above all feeling proud of what I will be achieving.
    Good night teacher, an apology for sending it right now, I know there is no justification but my internet is very slow; (


    My name is Nancy Guadalupe Bejerano León, I was born in Villahermosa, Tabasco on August 20, 2001. I live in Fraccionamiento el Paraíso located in the municipality of Centro. I have lived with my parents and sisters for the 18 years that I have lived. My mother is called Mercedes León López and my father is Lázaro Bejerano Morales. Did you know I have a sister who was born the same day as me? Her name is Berenice Guadalupe, we don't look alike. My younger sister is called Fanny del Carmen.
    I am currently studying the higher technical level, environmental technology area at the Universidad Tecnológica de Tabasco.
    Since my childhood began I had to make changes in my life. Why? I was a crystal girl, I had to stay away from everything that put my physique at risk. That doesn't mean I couldn't play, it just limited me. During my childhood I had 4 fractures.
    I studied at the kindergarten "Jardín de Niños Primavera”. When she was 3 years old Fanny came into our lives, she always played with her. When I was 7 years old I entered "Manuel Fernando" elementary school, I learned cursive and improved my reading.
    During the high school stage I can safely say that I discovered my abilities and flaws. I was encouraged to participate in contests and Christmas carols, I also obtained third place for school achievement.
    The high school filled me with surprises, I was the director for a day of Campus 24, in the same way I obtained the third place of achievement at the high school level and I met a great teacher.
    I consider myself a warrior, I came out of several battles, I don't let anything stop me. I have future plans and I will do my best to achieve each one, the main force is love for my family.

  15. My name is José Antonio Jiménez Sánchez. I was born on September 6th, 1999 in Villahermosa, Tabasco.
    I live in Ranchería Chichonal 1st Section. Do you know where it is? It is a beautiful little town in Jalapa. It is very quiet to live in the country. you can do and learn everything.
    I am 20 years old.
    My parents are Mexican, my father is called Jesús Antonio Jiménez Junco and my mother is Dolores Sánchez López. I have the joy of having 2 siblings , 2 are men and 1 is a woman.
    My family is formed of 6 members.
    My mom told me that when I was born I was the smallest of all my siblings weighing 2,250 g.
    I started my student life at 2 years old. I studied in the Esperanza Torres de Pelaez Kindergarten.
    At the age of 4 I got kick by a horse, but it was not serious.
    At 5 years old, I attended the Primary School Francisco Amezcua Cortres.
    At the age of 10 I had an accident, which left an unforgettable mark on me.
    Secondary school was very fun and unforgettable, I fell in love for the first time, I fell in love with a girl named Karen.
    When I attended High School, we broke up because she went to study somewhere else. That broke my heart.
    I studied the Chemical Laboratory training and the Physics-Mathematical serie
    My favorite hobbies are: reading, watching movies, and listening to music.
    There are many things I like and don't like. I like going out with my friends, I like dancing and singing. The things I don't like are: fighting, drinking beer and yelling.
    I like all kinds of food, but I love shrimp.
    A few of my qualities are that I am very loving, kind, tender, humble and sensitive.
    Some of my flaws are: I'm forgetful, irresponsible, intolerable and nervous.
    The university degree I chose was Environmental Engineer, currently I study at the Technological University of Tabasco. I have very good friends who support me at all times. My goal is to finish my career and make my dream come true of forming a shelter for dogs and homeless people.


  16. Hello, my name is jheovanny Javier Castillo Pérez, I was born on December 3, 2001 in Tabasco, I am currently 18 years old, my father is José Del Carmen Castillo Pérez, who used to be a military man, and my mother is Clemencia Contreras Lopez, and I have a brother named Dionisis Daemond Castillo Pérez whose age is 14 years old. As you can see, I don't have any of my mother's last names and you may be wondering why. Well that is because my parents divorced shortly after I was born and after that I lived with my father only, although I currently live with my grandparents. I studied elementary school at the José Ochoa Lobato school, and I studied secondary school at the Francisco J. Santa maría school. I did my high school studies at the high school graduates campus 24. I am currently studying engineering at the technological university of Tabasco. I liked a lot of things when I was a child, I played soccer, and I also played basketball, unfortunately one day I got a wound in my right arm, the wound made me leave sports forever and I decided to play video games to date is what I like the most do and what I do, I remember drawing a lot before and it was one of my favorite hobbies, the music genre I listened to was rap, now I only listen to symphonies, one of the things I loved the most when I was a kid was riding my bike, It was something I did the most and wanted to continue doing but sadly my bicycle was broken after an accident I had against a car, the truth is that at the present time all I do to entertain myself is watching television and playing video games, but the truth is I am very happy with my current life.

    My name is Maria del Consuelo Pérez De la Cruz, I was born in Villahermosa Tabasco on April 28, 2001, my parents are Rogelio Pérez Priego and Rosa De la Cruz Jimenez. I have two brothers, Emmanuel Alejandro and Maria de La Paz. When I entered the kindergarten called "Gabilondo soler" I was 5 years old, I participated in many events such as the "spring girl" among others, my childhood was very good, because my family used to do many trips and family activities, every vacation we used to go to Cancun With my mother's family, every December I used to see my living room full of toys was very exciting. When I turned 7 years old I entered elementary school until the second year I was studying at "Diana Laura" I had my friends with whom I did many things, including some mischief, my parents changed residence and I had to enter the "Luz Loreto ”, I had very good grades and used to participate a lot in sports activities, I also practiced swimming, I liked it a lot, I had good teachers, who to date I remember, At the end of 2013 I entered Technical High School 1, I no longer practiced swimming but I was still in soccer or basketball, when there were tournaments I used to participate in them, I also remember that I got into one or another problem, I had great friends, excellent teachers, I learned many things. In 2016 I started high school the first year I studied at UVM I had a good average, I was in the soccer team and I met good friends, The last two years I finished them in Campus 1 I met many people, I got into some problems, I had good friendships and learned many things, I had as many failures as successes. At the end I started the University at the UT where I am currently in the career of environmental engineering, it is a very good university, my plans are to finish the degree completely and at the end get a stable job enjoy it, help my parents and when I am stable start my own family. I will continue striving until I achieve it, I will not leave it until I obtain it.

    Maria del Consuelo Pérez De la Cruz
    2ºB Ambiental

    Mónica Stephania Nicolás Flores
    2°B tsu Química área Tecnología Ambiental


    Darielis Guadalupe Hernández Correa.

    My name is Darielis Guadalupe Hernández Correa I am 18 years old, I was born on May 31, 2001, my parents are Santiago Hernández Pérez and Sandra Luz Correa de la Cruz 1- year was chubby, I started to walk. 5 years my mom enrolled me to kindergarten only the last year. 6 years I was signed up to the primary and I met my best friend his name is Jeyli Michelle Lopéz Balcazar- participate in a danceable, did not they have someone who would like it? I wanted to dance with a child who is called Jheovany but as it was a bit small I do not touch him with the since they put us by height 11 years - in the elementary one gave us a talk on a boarding school, we gave us brochures, I decided to record me on the list. 12 years I present my examination in Villahermosa,15 years old- in my boarding school celebrated the day of mothers which my parents had attended and as I met for years in that month they took a cake that enjoys them. 16 years- go to the high school and had to choose de career opts for computer science. 17 years old, I left high school and returned to my sweet home located in Cardenas Tabasco 18 I enrolled me the university and chose the career environmental technology.

  20. Teacher an apology for delivering it late where I live the signal went out and the internet is slow. 🥺😑

  21. °

    ° Darielis Guadalupe Hernández Correa

    °My name is Darielis Guadalupe Hernández Correa I am 18 years old, I was born on May 31, 2001, my parents are Santiago Hernández Pérez and Sandra Luz Correa de la Cruz 1- year was chubby, I started to walk. 5 years my mom enrolled me to kindergarten only the last year. 6 years I was signed up to the primary and I met my best friend his name is Jeyli Michelle Lopéz Balcazar- participate in a danceable, did not they have someone who would like it? I wanted to dance with a child who is called Jheovany but as it was a bit small I do not touch him with the since they put us by height 11 years - in the elementary one gave us a talk on a boarding school, we gave us brochures, I decided to record me on the list. 12 years I present my examination in Villahermosa,15 years old- in my boarding school celebrated the day of mothers which my parents had attended and as I met for years in that month they took a cake that enjoys them. 16 years- go to the high school and had to choose de career opts for computer science. 17 years old, I left high school and returned to my sweet home located in Cardenas Tabasco 18 I enrolled me the university and chose the career environmental technology.

    °Teacher an apology for delivering it late where I live the signal went out and the internet is slow


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